
Popoli for Kids and Teens

Popoli for Kids and Teens invites children and teens, boys, girls and their families to the cinema to talk together about themes of great relevance through a selection of films specifically conceived for younger audiences (from 3 to 18 years old). 

The documentaries and animated shorts selected tell life stories of children and adolescents and have a high educational value, both from the point of view of an initial literacy to the language of Cinema and with respect to the themes tackled, which contemplate the sustainable development goals defined in the UN 2030 Agenda: inclusion, recognition of diversity and the fight against all forms of marginalisation and discrimination, activism, youth and women's rights, anti-discrimination, inclusion, climate and migration emergency, racism. 

The film proposal is complemented by workshops for different age groups, screenings for schools, meetings with filmmakers and festival guests, events for the whole family, a jury made of girls and boys (during the “Young Jury Day”).

The Festival dei Popoli, with its "Popoli for Kids and Teens" programme, is part of the Docs4Teens - Building Bridges network together with the FIPADOC festival (France), the Krakow Film Festival (Poland), , Docudays UA (Ukraine) and Porto Post Doc (Portugal) with which it shares the objective of promoting the documentary films among young people and the circulation of cinema dedicated to young audiences all around Europe.

Fipadoc Campus 2024

11 July 2024

In January 2024, on the occasion of Fipadoc – International Documentary Festival in Biarritz (France) the Fipadoc Campus renewed its commitment to screening documentary films to secondary and high school students

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Kids and Teens workshops and meetings

20 October 2023

The film programming of the Popoli for Kids and Teens section is supplemented and consolidated by meetings and workshops specifically designed by local project partners to cater for various age groups.

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Call Young Jury Day – 64° Festival dei Popoli

13 October 2023

Are you between 14 and 18 years old and want to be part of a documentary film jury? Join Young Jury Day to vote for the winner of the Popoli for Kids and Teens section of the 64th Festival dei Popoli! Sunday, November 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Astra Cinema.

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Docs4Teens – Building Bridges

7 December 2021

Festival dei Popoli together with Krakow International Film Festival (Poland), Docudays UA (Ukraine) FIPADOC (France) has created the label ‘Docs4Teens – Building Bridges’, a selection of the 9 best documentaries for children aged 12 to 16 presented in the last years within their respective festivals.

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Creative Educational Film Festival

24 May 2021

On May 26, the Festival dei Popoli at the “Educational and Creative Film Festival” with a speech entitled “Cinema WITH the real. Knowing the world by telling it”

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