Doc at work industry Festival dei Popoli

Doc at Work - Industry

On the occasion of the 65th edition of the Festival dei Popoli, the appointment with Doc at Work Industry is renewed. The industry space is dedicated to Italian non-fiction cinema, it presents a selection of projects by Italian authors or (co)produced in Italy, with the aim of making them known to international professionals, to create new synergies and promote their diffusion.
Doc at Work - Industry will take place from the 6th to the 8th of November 2024, on the occasion of the 65th Festival dei Popoli and will include various activities, including:
  • Proxima - showcase of Italian films in editing or post-production, excerpts of which will be premiered to an audience of international professionals. Applications can be submitted until 6 September 2024. Proxima is realized in collaboration with CNA Toscana Cinema e Audiovisivo. See the call for submissions
  • Itineranze Doc - presentation of six projects in development, directed by young directors who have attended the Itineranze Doc training, organised by the network of Italian festivals composed of Festival dei Popoli, Festival di Bellaria, IsReal, SoleLuna, PerSo, FrontDoc. See the selection of projects

The programme includes project presentation sessions, matchmaking and networking activities, as well as moments of exchange and discussion between professionals around the challenges and opportunities for non-fiction cinema today. The full programme will be announced in October.

Access to the Doc at Work Industry activities is reserved to people in possession of the Festival dei Popoli's professional accreditation; the accreditation request will be possible from the end of September through the online procedure you will find on the Festival dei Popoli website.
For further information; write to

News Doc at Work - Industry

Submission to Doc at Work Proxima are open

21 June 2024

PROXIMA is the section of Doc at Work Industry dedicated to Italian films in editing and post-production; an opportunity to discover the Italian documentary cinema of the immediate future and present it to representatives of international festivals and professionals.

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Itineranze DOC third edition

2 February 2024

Open until March 4, 2024, is the call to participate in ITINERANZE DOC, the six-month training and education program, dedicated to real-life film projects in development, to creatively and productively support filmmakers in their first or second film.

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Proxima: the selected projects

17 October 2023

Five Italian film projects in editing or post-production have been selected for the Proxima project, whose excerpts will be premiered to a professional audience during the 64th edition of the Festival dei Popoli

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Submission to Doc at Work Proxima are open

21 July 2023

PROXIMA is the section of Doc at Work – Industry dedicated to Italian films in editing and post-production status; an opportunity to discover the Italian documentary cinema of the immediate future and present it to representatives of international festivals and professionals.
A maximum of 3 titles will be selected; each project will be allowed 30′ (of which a maximum of 20′ to show excerpts and 10′ to verbally describe the project). One-to-One meetings with festival selectors and other professionals will follow.

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